Updated Extreme Weather Information Sheets Available

texas.pdf (page 1 of 2)The NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management has released an updated version of their popular and extremely handy Extreme Weather Information Sheet series for (all PDFs) Texas, Louisiana Southwest, Louisiana Southeast, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida Northwest, Florida North Central, Florida Northeast, Florida West Central, Florida East Central, Florida Southwest, Florida Miami Dade, and Florida Broward Palm. These sheets form the foundation of our “during the storm” part of the website.

These one-page document contains critical phone numbers and web addresses residents can use during potentially life-threatening weather emergencies.

During 2008 more than 143,000 of the documents were distributed in the five Gulf Coast states, mainly through county emergency management agencies and local libraries. Special emphasis was made to get them in the hands of senior citizens, first responders and people who might not have Internet access.

Grab yours from the links above.

From the Gulf of Mexico News.
