Cofferdam Closes in on Leak

CofferdamFrom the Times-Picayune:

Officials are saying the containment box that could divert much of the oil leaking in the Gulf of Mexico is suspended above the spewing crude and robot submarines are trying to align it correctly.

BP PLC spokesman Bill Salvin said Friday the device was in the process of being positioned over the main leak. He says there are four to five underwater robots that are being used to help position it.

Salvin says there is no precise time for when it will be put on the seafloor.

Coast Guard Capt. Ron LaBrec says box is suspended above the leak site.

It’s a first-of-its-kind attempt to stop most of the gushing crude fouling the Gulf of Mexico. If the box is positioned over the leak, crews still need to connect a pipe to siphon the oil to a boat.

This looks like potentially good news.

(Photo: US Coast Guard, Patrick Kelley)