Training: Basic Concepts for Floodplain Management [December 14-15, Virginia]

calendar.jpgFirst, the bad news: the course is in Virginia. The good news: it sounds like a good spot to get an overview of what it means to manage a floodplain. From the organizer’s description:

This training course will present the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) concepts in flood management, damage prevention terminology, and protocols from a local regulator perspective. Major discussion topics include: a historic perspective of the NFIP, roles and responsibilities, cooperative agreements, basic terminology, requirements to local floodplain management, regulatory standards, and administrative priorities. Practical graphic illustrations and procedural flow charts, as well as sample documents are part of the presentation. Each attendee may keep the materials for future reference.

Who’s it for? State and local agency staff and decision makers, attorneys, consultants, members of environmental organizations, and interested citizens.

We’ve added it to our calendar.

Want to learn more? Have a look at their website.

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