Author Archive | Wesley Shaw

Coming to the ASFPM Conference? Join the StormSmart Crew

Coming to the ASFPM (Association of State Floodplain Managers) Annual Conference in Louisville, KT next week? If so, I hope you’ll considering joining a group of us to discuss how to use the No Adverse Impact approach to floodplain development in your community. Speakers include Ed Thomas (Baker), Terri Turner (Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission, GA), […]

Not Mapped in the Flood Zone, Not at Storm Surge Risk? Not so Fast.

A new report looking at the risk of homes exposed to hurricane-driven storm surge damage in ten major urban areas along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts finds that the majority of homes in those communities that are in designated surge zones are not included in local flood zones. In Virginia Beach, for example, 87 percent […]

Survey: How Resilient is Your Community?

At the request of a number of sponsoring federal agencies, the National Academies are conducting a study on increasing national resilience to hazards and disasters. The goal is to provide actionable recommendations and guidance on the best approaches to reduce adverse impacts from hazards and disasters. They are asking for help to find out more […]

Trying to Drive Climate Change Adaptation? Focus on Social, not Environmental Vision

Like most of us, I’d like to think that getting people the best information will drive them to make the right decisions. Certainly that’s been a big drive behind StormSmart Coasts. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that things aren’t that simple. It’s easy to find examples in our own lives of knowing better but still making […]

Are You an Emergency Manager? Why You Need Social Media (and it needs you)

A new article from USA Today takes another look at how emergency management officials are using social media. We’ve seen these before, but each one adds new evidence to this simple idea: If you’re working in emergency management and NOT using social media, you’re hampering your ability to do you job. This study from the […]

Want to Protect Your Community from Sea Level Rise? Protect Your Wetlands

When we first assembled the conceptual framework for StormSmart Coasts back in 2006, we made a deliberate decision to not focus on ecological and habitat issues. This wasn’t because we didn’t think these topics were important—clearly they were and are—but because we wanted to really zero in on hazards without getting entangled on all the […]

Great New Publication on Elevating Existing Homes

We all know that the best way to keep buildings out of flood waters is to keep them out of areas that flood. The reality for most communities, though, is that homes and other structures are already in areas that flood. What to do then? There are many options, of course. You could somehow acquire […]

Four New Case Studies on Climate Change Adaptation for Water Utilities

Tying in with their Climate Ready Water Utilities program, the EPA has released four case studies looking at specific adaptation steps communities are taking. The communities are East Bay (CA), New York City, Seattle (WA), and Spartanburg (SC). You can download the case study from EPA’s website.