Delaware Sea Grant has released a great short video showing how a little (offshore) storm plus a high tide can affect a seemingly safe street. Take a short break and watch. Expect a lot more like this as we see more sea level rise.
Tag Archives | case study
SSPEED Releases Update on Ike Dike Feasibilty
The Severe Storm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disasters (SSPEED) Center (a university based research and education organization), has released Learning the Lessons of Hurricane Ike: Preparing for the Next Big One (PDF). In it, you can find what the researchers think are the best ways to protect the Houston Ship Channel from another major […]
New Webinar: The Front Lines of Climate Change
Next Wednesday (November 30th) at 2PM CST the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium will be hosting what sounds like an interesting webinar on how climate change is impacting Bangladesh (for those who don’t know, that nation is often cited as one of the countries most susceptible to negative climate change impacts). The talk will be given […]
How Easy Can Freeboard for an Existing Structure Be?
Pretty easy. A freeboard success story from FEMA: Gail Cunningham Coen of Westport wishes that people would realize how easy it is to elevate your flood-prone house, especially when the Long Island Sound is just feet from your front door. “We didn’t even take the pictures off the wall,” Coen said, referring to the elevation […]
City Folds Climate Change Adaptation into Hazard Mitigation Plan
“Hazard mitigation is very important and there’s a lot of value in looking at past events, but we know with climate change that we can’t use the past to project what the future will be like. For example, the flood that a community used to experience every 100 years may now be the 20-year flood.” […]
San Francisco Bay Adopts Climate Change Regulations
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission has voted unanimously to pass a development plan for land within 100 feet of the bay’s coastline. The plan—which requires that decisions about land use in the area consider factors including the latest climate science and the importance of wetland restoration—gives the agency a tool to deny […]
No Budget? No Problem. Group Makes Hurricane Safety PSAs on a Shoestring Budget
With no funding (and a little help from the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium), Mississippi’s C-HOST (Coastal Hazard Outreach Strategy Team) group has created some great quick public service announcements. Below is one example, see the C-HOST videos page for more. (Does your group or community want its own site? Let us know.)
New Tool: Coastal CHARM
I saw this impressive tool demonstrated at the Gulf of Mexico Alliance meeting last week. Super excited about it, and very much looking forward to what John Jacob and his Texas Sea Grant/AgriLife Extension Service crew come up with next. Coastal CHARM (Community Health And Resource Management) You can read more about it on the […]
Even With Money and Permits, Beach Nourishment Isn’t Always Possible
Interesting report from the Pilot Online about how the City of Virginia Beach has money it’s trying to give to the Army Corps of Engineers for a beach nourishment project—enough to pay for the whole nourishment—but the Corps (for legal reasons) can’t accept it. If your community is considering a nourishment project, this short article […]
Community Says Addressing Sea Level Rise Good for Local Economy
In tough economic times, there are those who think that municipalities need to be less particular about growth in order to be more “business friendly,” especially for issues felt to be far off in the future, like sea level rise. But Portland, Maine is choosing to address sea level rise head-on, and at least one […]