Tag Archives | planning

Will the Next Hurricane Put You Underwater? New Site Shows How Deep

Have a look at the new Miami-Dade County Storm Surge Simulator which lets you click on a map to show where you live and then select the severity of the storm before it shows you just how deep that water will be when that next hurricane hits. You can even select whether you want to […]

New Tool: Coastal CHARM

I saw this impressive tool demonstrated at the Gulf of Mexico Alliance meeting last week. Super excited about it, and very much looking forward to what John Jacob and his Texas Sea Grant/AgriLife Extension Service crew come up with next. Coastal CHARM (Community Health And Resource Management) You can read more about it on the […]

FEMA Study Finds National Floodplains Projected to Grow by 40-45%

As reported in the New York Times, at last week’s Coastal Zone conference in Chicago, FEMA shared some results from a pending study looking at the projected effects of climate change on the National Flood Insurance Program. The short version? It’s not looking pretty, and the challenges won’t be confined to coastal areas either. Floodplains […]

EPA and NOAA Combine Forces to Protect Coastal People and Ecosystems

John Bowie just shared this good news over on StormSmart Connect: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have announced a joint agreement that will protect the safety, health, and property of people living in or visiting coastal communities around the nation. The two agencies will partner with local […]

Massachusetts Town Amends Zoning Bylaw to Reduce Flood Losses

In an attempt to lessen flood losses, the town of Hull, Massachusetts has amended their zoning bylaw to consider not only current, but future conditions. Notable changes include: 1. A requirement that the town’s review process ensures that a proposed project won’t cause or worsen flooding on other properties (sounds like a good NAI approach). […]

Coming to the ASFPM Conference? Join the StormSmart Crew

Coming to the ASFPM (Association of State Floodplain Managers) Annual Conference in Louisville, KT next week? If so, I hope you’ll considering joining a group of us to discuss how to use the No Adverse Impact approach to floodplain development in your community. Speakers include Ed Thomas (Baker), Terri Turner (Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission, GA), […]

Four New Case Studies on Climate Change Adaptation for Water Utilities

Tying in with their Climate Ready Water Utilities program, the EPA has released four case studies looking at specific adaptation steps communities are taking. The communities are East Bay (CA), New York City, Seattle (WA), and Spartanburg (SC). You can download the case study from EPA’s website.

EPA Launches Climate Ready Water Utilities

EPA has released another set of tools to help communities adapt to climate change: this time they’re focusing on water and wastewater utilities. If you only have a moment, start with the Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox. I know—another toolkit. But the EPA has taken an interesting strategy to address the primary challenge of toolkits: […]