Tag Archives | publications

FEMA Releases 2010 Hazard Mitigation Unified Guidance

Need to know how to apply to the Hazard Mitigation Grants Program (HGMP)? Or for Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC), or Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot (SRL) grants? If so, you’re in luck: FEMA’s just released the extensive (188-page) Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance handbook applicable to HMGP funds available […]

Poll Reveals Coastal Residents Grossly Unprepared for 2009 Hurricane Season

A new poll suggests that even after an active 2008 hurricane season, residents from Texas to Maine have taken no steps to prepare for major storms. The Mason-Dixon poll was conducted as part of the 2009 National Hurricane Survival Initiative, which was launched at a news conference at the International Hurricane Research Center in Miami […]

Whitehouse Releases New Climate Change Report

Calling it “the most comprehensive and authoritative report of its kind,” on Tuesday the White House released Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States. In its 190-pages, the nonpartisan report confirms what many have long argued: climate change due to heat-trapping pollution is already occurring and is visible throughout the United States, and the […]

Mid-Atlantic to See Greatest Sea Level Rise?

The Washington Post yesterday reported that the East Coast may face the greatest relative sea level rise in the states. The reason: projected changes in ocean currents, which are currently keeping sea levels on the mid-Atlantic coastline well below what they might otherwise be. If those currents change, sea levels in the region may rise […]

Radio Show: "'Hurricane Highway' Islands: Rebuild Or Retreat?"

National Public Radio aired a piece earlier this week exploring the parallels and differences between Alabama’s Dauphin Island and Isle Derniere (a Louisiana island that was a resort town in the 1800s, but was slowly abandoned in the wake of an 1856 hurricane). The story raises that age-old question: is retreat sometimes the only answer? […]

Slight Downgrade in Hurricane Projections [REPORT]

The Tropical Meteorology Project at Colorado State University has slightly decreased the number of storms predicted for this year’s hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin. A quick summary of the changes since the April projections: Read the 34-page report, Extended Range Forecast Of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity And Landfall Strike Probability For 2009 (PDF).

REPORT: Interagency Study Concludes Structural Shore Protection Can't Solve All Problems

The Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force (a group organized by the U.S. Corps of Engineers in the wake of Hurricane Katrina) has released a draft of a report evaluating the performance of the New Orleans hurricane protection system during Hurricane Katrina and to assess the risks posed to the New Orleans region by future tropical […]

PUBLICATION: New EPA Report Outlines Adaptation Options

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a report outlining different ways that coastal managers of all levels can help adapt to on-going climate change. It focuses on nine general goals: Maintain/restore wetlands Maintain sediment transport Preserve coastal land/development (including infrastructure) Maintain shorelines utilizing “soft” measures Maintain shorelines utilizing “hard” measures Invasive species management […]

DHS Releases New Compendium of Disaster Assistance Programs

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security just released The Compendium of Disaster Assistance Programs (PDF 1.5 MB), and it’s arguably as imposing impressive as it sounds. While the 43-pages of tabular data on “federal programs providing assistance (financial and non-financial) to individuals, states, localities, nonprofit organizations, and businesses impacted by a disaster” may not be […]

New publication: The Importance of Reducing Disaster-Related Losses for Vulnerable Populations

The Institute for Business and Home Safety has released a new 4-page report outlining why certain groups are at higher risks for loss of life an property during natural disasters, and makes some recommendations for how communities can work to protect their most vulnerable citizens (e.g. improved building codes). The Importance of Reducing Disaster-Related Losses […]