A new Houston Chronicle article argues that building the so-called “Ike Dike” will put more, not less people and property at great risk, and that the best way to protect property from hazards is to keep them out of hazardous areas. In “Forget the Ike Dike, let’s improve building methods” Texas A&M professor John Jacob […]
Tag Archives | regulations
Texas Town Tightens Development Rules
The City Council of Galveston recently approved new beach-front construction regulations. The new rules push new development 75 feet back from the north toe of dunes, or 350 feet from the mean high-water line, whichever line is farther landward. They are seen locally as a compromise with some wanting stricter regulations while others did not […]
When Are My New Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) Going to be Ready?
FEMA has released a list of all communities scheduled to have new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) go active during 2010. WARNING: the list isn’t particularly reader-friendly. I’d recommend downloading it, then doing a search for the name of your community in the document. If it appears, look at the top of the table on […]
With Crumbling Seawalls and Limited Resources, France Struggles with Storms
The Associated Press is reporting on the aftermath of Xynthia, the storm that slammed into Europe last weekend. The hurricane-force winds and huge storm surge destroyed seawalls and killed dozens there. The article focuses on the past, present, and future challenges of devastated historic towns along the French coast. New homes have cropped up chaotically […]
Disaster‐Resilient Homes Webinar Series [EVENT]
The Resilient Home Program has just announced a new (free) webinar series on resilient homes. The first two webinars are co‐sponsored by FEMA and will be: Home Evaluation after Storms and Floods March 9, 2010 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Eastern) Presented by Bill Coulbourne, Director of Wind and Flood Mitigation Applied Technology Council (ATC) […]