Another good post from John Solomon over at In Case of Emergency, Read Blog. Here, he’s looking at how emergency management professionals use the two most popular social networking tools, Facebook and Twitter. In his interviews, he discovers that the two are NOT interchangeable. It turns out that in most cases the two services are […]
Tag Archives | training & outreach
Webinar Series Includes Presentation on "Sea Level Rise and Property Rights"
The International Submerged Lands Management has announced its new conference dates. Unlike most conferences, this one takes place on your computer, so those of us with limited travel budgets can still participate. You can find a schedule of all the conference’s events on their website (and we’ll add the lot to the StormSmart Coasts Calendar), […]
Ideas on How to Engage Your Businesses in Emergency Preparedness
John Solomon, author of “In Case Of Emergency, Read Blog” has written an interesting and compelling editorial arguing that governments at all levels need to work harder to engage the business community in disaster preparedness. He says: Government citizen preparedness campaigns over the past few years have raised awareness but not significantly enough to change […]
Are You Using Social Media for Emergency Management? Your Citizens Are!
The Red Cross has released the results of a survey of just over 1,000 respondents on how people use and expect to use social media during a disaster. The results are pretty striking. A couple of highlights: Nearly 3-in-4 respondents use at least one online community or social network. Facebook was by far the most […]
Webinar: Climate Resilient Coastal Communities (Wednesday July 28)
Webinar announcement for tomorrow, courtesy of Building the Foundation for Hazard and Climate Resilient Coastal Communities July 28, 2010, 12:00 Noon is pleased to host a one hour presentation and interactive discussion Wednesday, July 28, 2010, beginning at 12:00 Noon Eastern time (please convert to your local time). Our topic will be the […]
NOAA Announces New Coastal Resilience Networks Grant Program
From our friends at NOAA: CRest Grant Program – Coastal Resilience Networks Pacific Islands – Gulf of Mexico – West Coast Coastal Resilience Networks (CRest) is a new and exciting grant opportunity for the Pacific Islands, Gulf of Mexico, and West Coast regions. The program funds projects that help communities become more resilient to the […]
Free Online Hurricane Response Training
Want training on how to help safely guide your community through a hurricane, but lack the resources and time to head off to a specialized class somewhere? Have a look at the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET) hurricane course. It’s free, and you can do it from any computer connected to […]
Panel to Discuss Long-Term Impacts of Oil Spill, this Friday (Web or Corpus Christi)
Curious about the projected effects of the oil spill on the region? The Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies is hosting an event in Corpus Christi on Friday. Not in Texas (or too far from Corpus Christi)? You can also watch the event on your computer. From their press release: Scientists with the […]
New Survey of Southeast Louisiana Residents Shows Most Planning to Evacuate
A new survey of residents of Southeast Louisiana finds that while 57% feel at least “moderately comfortable” with the area’s levee systems, drainage pumps, and emergency warning systems, about 80% have “well developed” hurricane evacuation plans and say they are willing to evacuate in the face of a hurricane (see the graph for percentages of […]
County Promotes More Precise Storm Surge Maps
A Florida county has released new storm surge maps, and they’re giving locals a more precise idea of their risks of being hit by the storm surge associated with a hurricane. Tampa Bay Online has the whole story. As the article reports, Hillsborough County has based the maps on revised models from the National Hurricane […]