Finding information on sea level rise that isn’t so vague as to be useless or too technical to understand can be tricky. Gary Mitchum (University of South Florida) has taken a stab at doing so in Sea Level Changes in the Southeastern United States—Past, Present, and Future. You can download a PDF of the report […]
Tag Archives | weather & climate
FEMA Study Finds National Floodplains Projected to Grow by 40-45%
As reported in the New York Times, at last week’s Coastal Zone conference in Chicago, FEMA shared some results from a pending study looking at the projected effects of climate change on the National Flood Insurance Program. The short version? It’s not looking pretty, and the challenges won’t be confined to coastal areas either. Floodplains […]
NOAA Climate Program Office Funding Climate Adaptation Projects (LOI Due 26 July)
New NOAA funding opportunity (via Christa Rabenold): Climate and Societal Interactions Program The Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) Program provides leadership, both nationally and internationally, in developing interdisciplinary science and services, including assessments, for application in climate-sensitive sectors and regions. U.S. and internationally focused activities are housed within the same framework to facilitate cross-program community […]
Community Says Addressing Sea Level Rise Good for Local Economy
In tough economic times, there are those who think that municipalities need to be less particular about growth in order to be more “business friendly,” especially for issues felt to be far off in the future, like sea level rise. But Portland, Maine is choosing to address sea level rise head-on, and at least one […]
Trying to Drive Climate Change Adaptation? Focus on Social, not Environmental Vision
Like most of us, I’d like to think that getting people the best information will drive them to make the right decisions. Certainly that’s been a big drive behind StormSmart Coasts. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that things aren’t that simple. It’s easy to find examples in our own lives of knowing better but still making […]
Want to Protect Your Community from Sea Level Rise? Protect Your Wetlands
When we first assembled the conceptual framework for StormSmart Coasts back in 2006, we made a deliberate decision to not focus on ecological and habitat issues. This wasn’t because we didn’t think these topics were important—clearly they were and are—but because we wanted to really zero in on hazards without getting entangled on all the […]
“Not everything we love can be saved’’
Hard truths from a local official facing sea level rise in his community. “Fighting a losing battle with the sea” The Boston Globe
EPA Launches Climate Ready Water Utilities
EPA has released another set of tools to help communities adapt to climate change: this time they’re focusing on water and wastewater utilities. If you only have a moment, start with the Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox. I know—another toolkit. But the EPA has taken an interesting strategy to address the primary challenge of toolkits: […]
Sea Level Rise and Beaches: Not a Pretty Combination
Orrin Pilkey, always a lightening-rod for coastal climate change issues, has written a gloomy forecast for the world’s beaches, and has the photos to justify his positions. He acknowledges that predicting the effects of sea level rise on beaches is complex, and that results will vary greatly depending on many factors. But overall, the picture […]
UN Program Tries to Make Cities More Climate Ready
No targeting funding for communities, but the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction may help with coordination. For more info, see the United Nations Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready website.