Tag Archives | publications

Preventing Human-Caused Disasters (Editorial)

“The best disaster response and recovery policy is advance planning, land use, and building codes to prevent a disaster from happening in the first place. Society has the experience and tools at its disposal to prevent many of the devastating impacts disasters have on humans.” In this month’s Natural Hazards Observer (PDF), Edward A. Thomas […]

NEW BOOK: Floodplain Management, A New Approach for a New Era

From the publisher’s site: A flooding river is very hard to stop. Many residents of the United States have discovered this the hard way. Right now, over five million Americans hold flood insurance policies from the National Flood Insurance Program, which estimates that flooding causes at least six billion dollars in damages every year. Like […]

Summary of Changes to NFIP

For those of you involved in flood insurance, here’s a summary from FEMA of the latest changes to the NFIP: On October 1, 2009, important changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) will take effect. There will be an increase in rates, the standard deductibles, and the basic insurance limits. These combined changes will […]

Improved Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance Released

FEMA has released a re-formatted version of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Guidance with internal links throughout the document. It is now possible to jump between sections in the document based on the internal links. The substance of the guidance remains the same, only the format has been changed. Kudos to […]

Smart Growth Guide for Coastal and Waterfront Communities Released

Today the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the International City/County Management Association, and Rhode Island Sea Grant released Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities. Developed in consultation with the national Smart Growth Network, the interagency guide builds on the network’s ten smart growth principles to create coastal and waterfront-specific strategies […]

Updated Extreme Weather Information Sheets Available

The NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management has released an updated version of their popular and extremely handy Extreme Weather Information Sheet series for (all PDFs) Texas, Louisiana Southwest, Louisiana Southeast, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida Northwest, Florida North Central, Florida Northeast, Florida West Central, Florida East Central, Florida Southwest, Florida Miami Dade, and Florida […]

FEMA Releases Risk MAP FY09 Flood Mapping Production Plan

New maps Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for those of you in the coastal areas of Texas, Alabama, and parts of the Florida panhandle. You can download the full map from this FEMA page (warning: it’s 8 MB).

Television Programs Promote Storm Resilience

Gambling against Mother Nature is a three-part television series produced in partnership by NOAA’s Coastal Storms Program, the Mississippi/Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, WKRG-TV, the City of Orange Beach, Alabama, and grassroots, inc. to encourage wiser development along the Gulf Coast. Wind and Water: Beaches, Barrier Islands, and Storm Surge, the first of the three 30-minute […]

New Report Shows How Urban Governments are Adapting to Climate Change

The Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) released a report highlighting the innovative measures local governments are beginning to implement to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change. Developed by CCAP’s Urban Leaders Adaption Initiative, the report, Ask the Climate Question: Adapting to Climate Change Impacts in Urban Regions, (PDF, 1.8MB) offers best practices […]

Study Finds Florida Home Retrofitting Program Cost Effective

A new assessment of the “My Safe Flordia Home” program found that while there was room for improvement, the program saved more than it cost. More precisely, it found that each dollar spent in the program reduced risk by $1.50. Perhaps most relevant for those working in coastal communities in a time of limited resources, […]